In all solemnity and grievance
On our streets, to our walking penance
I plead, ‘let us beg Eve’
Let us beg and stop to grieve.
Our sole guardian of the flames of Purity
A lofty role dumped with reckless impunity
She left, wasting our balance and peace,
Risking chaos on clear short lease.
When she left the kitchen and our future
The backdoor chorused ‘house insecure’
She left with the single substance
That in her bore our sustenance
Our frailty now a naked game,
Only her hands can tame
This mad lustre we daily procreate
And in these vessels Purity inculcate
Natural nurturer, she is our insurance
Readily changing, clearly an unsure menace,
She strives to attain latent glory
Such ‘doomy’ compliments! – purely gory
Thus my plea with many voices
If it helps, mourn more noises
For our women to please listen
Before on our accord we be smitten
Please return to guarding this flame
TO this job we (men) are lame
She being the ember, carrier of Purity
To earth, and curer of mankind’s frailty